miércoles, 20 de enero de 2016


    In Canary Islands we  have mainly thermal power plants.

Resultado de imagen de centrales de viento

    In Gran Canaria, there are two thermal power plant. One of them is in Jinamar, and the other is in San Bartolomé de Tirajana. Both of them, burn fossil fuels, that evaporate water, and this water move a generator. generators produce electricity, that is send to the cities. In the picture, you can see the thermal power plant of Jinamar.

Resultado de imagen de centrales de viento
     In the island of El Hierro, there is a hidroelectric power plant called Gorona del Viento. Concretly, it is a pumped-storage power plant. The plant uses turbines, pumps, and wind turbines to produce clean energy. Even, there are periods of the day that the entire island use only clean energy, without using fosil fuels.

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